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Walker v. Allred.

In 1903 the Legislature passed act No. 63, relating to the fees and salaries of the officers of Boone County. By act NO. 310 of the Acts of 1905, act No. 32 of the Acts of 1897 was amended in so far as it related to the salaries of the clerks of the courts, the sheriff, and the tax collector of Carroll County. Act No. 412 of the Acts of 1907 amended § 3 of act No. 310 of the Acts of 1905, relating to the salary of tax collector of Carroll County. Act No. 360 of the Acts of 1919 fixed the salaries of the circuit clerk and county clerk of Carroll County. In 1927 the General Assembly passed act No. 77, which is as follows:

"An act to repeal act No. 85, approved April 6, 1889; act No. 32; approved March 2, 1897; act No. 63, approved March 7, 1903; act No. 29, approved February 21, 1903; act No. 412, approved May 28, 1907; act No. 360, approved March 22, 1919, regulating the salaries of certain county officers of Carroll County, and for, other purposes.

"Be it enacted, etc. Section 1. That the following special acts of the Legislature, to-wit: Act No. 85, approved April 6, 1889; act No. 32, approved. March 2, 1897; act No. 63, approved March 7, 1903; act No. 29, approved February 21, 1903; act No. 412, approved May 28, 1907; and act No. 360, approved March 22, 1907, all of said acts being special acts relating to and fixing the salaries of certain officers of Carroll County, be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 2. That each and all of the officers of said county Us designated in all of said acts, whose salaries are fixed by such acts, shall receive the fees now fixed by law for their respective offices as their full compensation for their services for such offices. Section 3. That all acts or parts of acts in conflict with any of the provisions of this act be and the same are hereby repealed, and this act shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage."

The contention of counsel for appellee is that the intention of the Legislature was only to repeal and abol-