THE WAR AND ITS HEROIft ^1 had been on forced marches for weeks, the ranks thinned by the process of re-organization in front of the enemy — Jackson attacked 20,000 fresh troops, repulsed them again and again, and so crippled the dastardly foe that he darrd not, with all his numbers, follow him in his retreat. Notwithstanding the «.'T»a*t disparity in their forces, the enemy themselves could claim nothing mere thaa a " drawn battlt ." We next hear of the untiring hero at Swift. Run Gap, occupying .1 b< position, with daily skirmishes with the enemy. lie remained in thh ] a short time, and then fell back to Staunton. Tu the meantime, the enemy had fallen hack down the Valley fur the purpose of uniting the commands of Mc- Dowell, Banks and Fremont Immediately after thi>- movement on the pari of the enemy, Jackson, with his force-, on the 7th of May, 1861, left Staunton, and on tin evening of the same day the rear-guard of his army encamped four miles west of Buffalo dan. fourteen miles from Staunton. GreoetaJ Johnston's forces had advanced to Shenandoah Mountain, in pursuit of Millroy, who was falling hack before the united forces of Jackson and Johnston. Millroy i^ "-aid to have had about 8,000 effective men. (hi Thursday, the 8th, a bloody fig'h t took place between Jaekl • « and the enemy under (lencral Millroy, at Sutliugton Hill, near McDowell. After four hours' righting, the enemy were completely routed and driven from all points 'Jeucral Jackson thus briefly and gracefully announced his V / •>th. To General S. OOOPI R : nor anna with victory al McDowell yesterd T J Jack* Major-*.* Dtr&). to re-inforee Millroy the day the I u did not arrive in time. Jackson captured in this fight one liundred }*>xi* of ammunition, five hundred rifles and Minie m dry saddles, and nearly two hundred bead of cattle, whi stolen from th< cidnens living in the vicinity, 1 of the enemy was BUppo ahoul 1. •'■' i the 6ght, the 1 M army w.-k. re-ii roowt ami w. hear nothing mort from "ir gallant hero until th( I r, whi' h WU aiii, w I During th< last tht "h bnlliint m/coWM. (>n Friday, tht and owe secti on of lcry, in addition to many priffMsa, cspturfd i »n Saturday, IfanW un column, whilst retreating from Sir. Winehe* was pierced : t>,/> r**»r part retreating towar On Sunday, the other part was routed at
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