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TBI V.'A t A LOBS -. Brigadier-Genera] George II. Stuart was pursuing them with cavalry and artillery, and capturing many. A large amount of rdnance and other stores have fallen into our kai T. J. Jackson. After hia defeat, Banks, with the remnant of his army, fled across the Poto- oaptured at Martinsburg were immense. The result "f this was the* annihilation of an army fir 12,000 to 15,000, the capture of an lyisions, small arms, ordnai .-tore-, horses, wagons and camp equipage almost incredible, and the destruction of the Baltimore and Ohio road, main artery which connects the Yankee capital with the West ! .lack-on i lid fine rifles, two thousand muskets, six hundred Backs of salt, ■ hundred wagons, many horses, twelve pieces of artillery, - three being rifled 510 'J 11111 worth of medicines, hospital sti i ry imaginable

— splints, amputating instruments, chloroform*, oi -. dried fruits,

fresh oheese, every luxury a sick man could desire, and clothes without limit. nel Ashby, hearing of many Yankee Butlers who hail recently set up their shops in t lie country, Beized them and loaded two hundred wagons with the ler. A portion of the captured -tores had to ho destroyed in our retreat, but all the l'ums and medioinsj were saved. pal Jackson followed Banks in his retreat, striking a blow wh<

tunit offered, until he reached the Potomac. He then turned to meet

the combined forces of the enemy under Fremont, Shields ami Mix, who were ring to get in his rear. He fell hack this side of Winchester, making •nl at Port Republic, in Rockingham county, a short distance this side of

i river.

Sunday morning, the 8th oi dune, 1862, the enem crossed the river in two columns, and made an attack — Fremont being pitted against Ewcll, ami Shields • Jacksdh. Altera Bhort conflict, Freemont was completely routed and botiv pursued by Ewell, while Jaokaon held Shield- in cheek, aid was pressing him againsl the Shenandoah. The following characteristic dispatch was received from Jackson announcing the viol KlJLl POBT REPUBLIC, &th, Via Staunton, J 1862.

Coopxr, Adjutant-General :

Through God's blessing, the eneni} near Port Republic was this day routed, with the loss of BIZ piece- of hi- artillery. | Signed] T. J. Jackson, Major-Gsneral Commanding. The old hero, after giving the astute Yankee generajs a Bevere lesson in the art oi' war, left them fortifying against his advance, and proceeded with bis victorious, army in a different direction. We hear nothing more from him until the ball opens in front of Richmond. At the battle of tlaines' Mill — in the darkest hour and moment — at that period in the day's fight when the enemy