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COMMODORE GEORGE N. HOLLINS. v of Commodore HoUjdc vu born in Manchester, England, and, .. c in in- to the United Si btled in Baltimore, embarked in merchandising, beoame i i • In the Bast India trade, doing a large and extensive busi- ness for many years. He married :i Miss Jane Smith, of Baltimore, a sister of i ral Samnel Smith, who was Secretary of War, while his brother Robert was Secretary of the Navy, under Jefferson. The Bubject of oar Bketch in the city of Baltimore in the year 1799, on the 20th day of £ i I until his fourteenth year, when, at his urgent solicitation, his filth* r consented to his application a position in the navy of hit He received the appointment as a. mid- aan from of the Navy under President