THE WAR AND ITS HBRORS. J% Madison, and was ordered to the sloop-of-war /•>/<, of twentj by Commander Ridgeley, and lying at Baltimore, waiting an opportunity of passing the English blockading squadron of thai port. The English moving from Washington ou Baltimore, the sailor.- of the latter port were placed under Commander Barney, and were ordersd forward to check their advance, and did meet them in the fight at Bladensburg. Young Hollins served with Comaaaoder Barney in this fi.L'ht, and fell back with the army to Baltimore, whore h< placed in command of the Erie. Commander Ridgely being ordered with all available spare men to the lakes, and those remaining to the - 1 Hollins formed a crew of volunteer - i Man the Eru while defending the harbor. lie was at this time inch a mere lad that one of hi> mother*! liriy friends, ■& ing him march his volunteers d >wn the strei t, preparatory I aboard, ordered him home, telling him, if he did no( I . be compelled to inform his parents of his conduct. Thii a ! joke tat sailors, but no fun to the brave boy. After the repulse of the English at Baltii dent, carrying forty-four guns, and commanded by the gallant Decatur. ] ship President^ left New Fork, at nine o'clock at night, < p the 15th i I 1813, The weather was severe, the night dark, and the pilot, fn m tl ! strong westerly wind, being unable * which affected her sailing qualiti that it was thought advisable to return to port. The win<l -till con tin unfavorable, and it I in with 1 the forty-four gun 1rL and the forty- foui Tie chase, firim: all day at th< tting much ahead of it- . Decatur tun ! that sh< "' had am r assistan< /*. - -.'■<'• '. having more than ta i thirds of her offi< • excb Elollioa a ihc wh, i h all -
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