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80 Till: WAR AND I : - ' lemand a most expli _-v and reparati 1 I finding the people unwilling to make oven the sli by the English command- eer then in port. On hi* return ites, his conda Administration, of which J i I v-.vis was the Secretary of W A ihoH ti tion of Lincoln, Commander Hollins was on a cruise in the steamship Susquehanna, and did not arrive in Boston until Jane, 1861. Cnfortunately for the Confederacy, "'it of hia tMfty-*wo officers, twenty sided I more unfortunately yet, the Bhip's draught was too great for air. port but Norfolk, whioh entrance was guarded by Portress Monroe. I rider Ilollins was complimented hy twelve of his officers and eighty of aaking immediate application for their discharge. This application wont in with his own, and he has had the satisfaction of meeting most of these - uth. His resignation was not accepted, but In- was dismissed without a punishment h>r his devotion to hia section. This was Yankee gratitude to a man who had spent more than forty-six years in the service of his country. Without delay he hastened t<> Richmond, Bnd suggested the taking of the Pawnee, whioh vessel was then giving us mueh Potomae. Receiving the consent of "ur government, be hurrio'l t" Maryland, and. with men and arms, to< on the St. Nicholas. Off "Point Look Out," he demanded the surrender of the boat, and, hearing that tl • had gone t<> Washington, felt that the best thing to be done was to carry the St. A'/,/;,,/./* up the Rappahannock. On bis way, he captured twic the number of his own crew .and three vessels loaded with coal, coffee and ice — tl ing particularly necessary for our sick and wounded. lie was Urleans to get nj» ;t naval defence, but, before he c mid do anything, tl were reported t" be at the upper end of the passes of the the full of New Orleans, Commander Rollins was ordered to the Naval Board, convened in Richmond, to examine young men for the Ber- , after the duties of the board were over, lie reported Pot who have the senfidence of the people, and are at all times

ll not hu permitted to remain idle long, and we trust

( '■' ■ will boob be placed at the "post of honor/' where we are rallied, jo long as he has a sword to defend it.