MAJOR-GENERAL T. C. HINDMAN. Major-Gencral Ilindman is a native of the State of Arkansas, and is now in the prime of life. He entered the army at the commencement of the war, and on the 29th of dune, 1861, wm appointed Colonel of the 2d Arkansas regi- ment. On the 28th of September, L861, he was made a brigadier-general, which position he held until the 1 Ith of April, lMlL', when he was promoted to the rank of major-general. General Bindman, we believe, has never been connected with the army of Northern or Western Virginia, his fields of opera- tion and usefulness having been chiefly confined to Georgia and Tennessee. On the 29th of September last, General Ilindman being then at Newman, Georgia, disabled by an injury received in the battle of Chickamauga, was sus-
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