THE WAR AND ITS HEROES. 85 pended from command by order of General Bragg. The charge against him "was disobedience of orders on September 11th, in McLemore's Cove. General Hindman at once requested a Courtof Inquiry, and subsequently made a report of the McLemore's expedition, showing that the eharg< of disobedience was not sustained by the facts in the case. The decision of President I>avis in the matter is stated in the following letter of General Cooper : AlUITANT AND INSPECTOR G F.NFRA L'S "F.FICK, ■ mnnd, Nove mb er 28, 1863. General — Enclosed please find a copy of a letter from Gen'l Bragg, r< qu» your restitution to duty, with which it gives the President much pleasure to comply. Your letter of October 2d, asking for a court of inquiry, was referred to the President, and has been returned with the following endorsement, viz: u The investigation — which I had opportunity to make personally — into the facts of the case, convinces me that, had the explanations which hare since been furnished preceded the order of General Bragg relieving General Hindman from command, that order would not probably have been issued; and, in view of the letter of General Bragg of November 16, it is not deemed dm the honor of General Hindman, or to the interest of the public service, that the inquiry asked for should be institul I enclose you a special order directing you to report for duty to GeDSCtJ Bragg. fully, your obedient servant, B Coons, A. amd I ■ To Major- Qemeral T. C. Htndman t dx., dx. The following is a copy of the letter of General P>; i above: HBADQCaBVBM Depart**' NBBB, Mr. IV'sulmt — After your actios in the ease of Lieutenant-General Polk, whieh to dm has bti D i ntin j satisfy tory, I feel il I I il a plea- to n rimilar act irparl toward Maj Hindman. This ofiV (rasa the official n ; at Chickamauga for gallantry aa isaaj Mat the neces- sity of uniform discipline be previous affair which he wai BUSp* od< d ■il what 1 kavt hsard unofficially, the General may wrvo und' r my e-tnmand. but it is only just for SBC I RBSJt ftSJ possesses nn fullest lidenee as a most gallant nccllent disciplinarian. I am, sir, < rj r« spectfulbj . Qsoeral I To i ■.w with the army of T aa u a e sses , under essnas* thai gallant Virginian. General Jen*B)l
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