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MAJOR-GENERAL MARTIN LUTHER fSMITII. Major-Generai Martin Luther Smith is a native of Western New York, and has family connections residing in the Northern, Western and Southern States, many of whom are in Mississippi and Louisiana. His services seem, in conse- quence, to have been appropriately n ndered, defending, as it won', through Vioksburg, the homes of (hose who are bound to' him by the most sacred ties < i' blood and Friendship. Entering West Point asa cadet, in 1838, he graduated in 1842, when he was commissioned in the corps of Topographical Engineers, nt to the coasl of < reorgia on duty, since bicb time he has been enj without intermission, south oi Mason and Dixon's line. In L8-A6, he married Nesbit, of Georgia, belonging to a family well known and among the most prominent and influential in that State. At the opening of the Mexican war first or Texas, but subsequently joined General Scott in the

Mexico, where he remained on active duty until the United States

were withdrawn. Hi was brevetted for distinguished services, and but few young offioerg left Mexico with higher marks of distinction and respect.