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a8 WARS oF TITE RATAS. {Chap, V1.

truce [we] made last night ia broken; go thou therefore to the fort, and learn [the state of things.” ] So Kesava Rao came to the front of the fort, andsent for Basavappa. He asked, **as peace was made yesterday, what means the firing balls to-day?” Basavappa re- plied, “ we have no means of paying you the money. (°) To make another bargain would be » degradation.® We accordingly wished to depart to (vrra swargam) the heaven of heroes, with our sons, friends and relations. We therefore threw a cannon bali [inte your camp.”]

12, On hearing this, Keaiva Rao went and represented this to Baiavant Rao- And the sardar (captain) who had gone out of the fort the day before aleo pleaded)with him then for Basavappa. [ Balavant Rao] listened and smiled and said to Kesava Rao “ we have struck off ten thousand Rupees and agree to take fifty thousand. If this is paid we will march off. Tell Basava Nayac this.”

Accordingly Kesava Rao went to Basava and said, what say you about the 50,000 Rupees? Ile replied, pray your lord to do me the favour to wait tf! to-morrow and I will pay it. So having sent back [Kesiva Rao], he sold all the valuables that were in his mansion, which amounted to four thousand rupees, As Modeen Saheb, son-in-law to Bawa Khan, (Subedar) commandant under Murari Rao was in service here [i. e. under Basaya,} Basava sent for him through some respectable men in order to raise funds, and said “I rely on you in some way or other to rescue my family.” The man replied ‘‘ There shall be wanting no endeavour on my part 10 relieve you.” Basava replied, I beg (v.) you to advance me ten thousand rupees to satisfy the army: [that is, to pay Balavant Rao. }

“What matters it?” replied he: ‘if the family stands, you will certainly repay me.f” Accordingly [Modeen Saib] caused a bond to be executed in Sidda Ramappa Nayac’s name, countersigned by Basavappa [as minister], and thus raised and paid ten thousand rupees.

13. The next day Kesiva Rao came and asked Basavappa ' what is your answer about the money?’ ‘I will at present’ replied he

(*) Page 51.

  • Paurusha-bani: loss of respectability,

+ Observe the phrase Tyyand itera.