He heard that they {of Tadimarri] had removed from Pasulir to
Tadimarri, and therefore returned with hia troops to Anantapuram.
Thus mertal hatred existed, betweeea ( those and these’) both of them,
3. Matters standing thus, Vencatapati Nayu of Vépali came [to visit] the Tadimarri family: he gave bad advice to Ramapa [head of that family], and led Lim into some bad practices, so that [Ramapn] drank ti} he lost bis senses, and committed outrages jn the village. When leasavappa heard of this, he said “this family is fallen into folly, we must set a guard over it.” So he gave some troops and horse guns in charge to these two persons, Subarao the clerk (sab- nivees) and Rudrapa the Dalavai (captain) and had them thus in veadiness, Musalaiia of Nande-sanudram, and Fair-Guaruva-ol-the hoof, (whe kad been sent [as spies] to find eut the actual state of the 'Tadimarri fort) returned, saying, ‘¢ To-day there is neither watch nor guard in the fort. All the troops who were in the suburbs last night, have gone iuto Ue woods to follow the chase.”
Thereupon [Basavappa] sent these two [spies] with the tavo (fauj- dar) captains, and under their orders, [to march to Tadimarri| aud ordered them to seize and man the fort and send him word. Te sent on quickly his troops beforehand,
4, Afier day dawned, while Basavappaealso was going, the party sent on before came near to Velaparla, and placing ladders, en- tered the fort. As there was no guard at the gate, and all were careless, [the assaulters] desirous of plunder surrounded the honses in the fort, and were plundering, Arey Syamanta Rayu, and Dina the Musulman, and other servants, were sleeping in the upper cham- bers with Ramapa Nayu. One of them arose for a private purpose, and bearing the hubbub, he came to the palace gate, and heard some women in the fert crying ‘“‘the Hande clan have seized the fort, have beset the houses and are plundering. We have no pro- tection!” On hearing this, this man went and awoke his master Ramapa Nayu (*) and the other people, and told them. On hearing of it, they armed themselves, and opening the palace gate, repulsed the troops who had come to surround the palace, and fought, till they reached the town gate,
(*) Page 57.