A.D. 1787, &e.] WARS OF THE BAJAHS. 65
The people of the town, in the suburbs, on hearing the uproar, cried Treason! (lit: Mischief!} armed themselves, and hemmed in the citadel, And asthe laddera which ihe men of Anantapoor had placed and entered the fort with, were left unaceapied (khalT) the townsmen using these ladders secured the guards and keepers of the (alangam) ramparts, of the tower .* thua they hermmed in the Anantapur force, who were ju the fort.
5. When { Basayappa's officers] Rudrapa and Subraya who were outside of the fort with some troops, were coming with the troops to the outer suburba, they perceived that balls were fying over the ciladel, and thought “there is Treason! our men are entrapped in the fort!" In the fight that took place inside the citadel between the men of Anantapur and the (sthalam mandt} garrison, many men of the Anantapoor trogps fell: the rest forsook their arma, leapt duwn from the tert, and told Rudrapaand Subraya, who were with Wie army, They hearing this were much grieved. Then, seeing that (he garrison had open- ed the gate, and, headed by their (dhant) lege lord, were coming to attack their men, Rudrapa and Subraya cried (Tappenn!) © It has tailed !" aud then they and their men retreated. Near a hamlet called Hkapadam [literally oue-fool place; beyond Use hill fort of Chr- yédu, they met Basavappa Nayu who was advancing. They reported the matler to him; he was much incensed at these (sardirs) cap- tains and said, The fort, which was in aur hands, is lost. Then he took the fiwzitives with him and returned to Anantapuram,
6. From that time fighta continually took place between them.+ Oue day Kaumapa Neyu, laird of ‘Tadimarri, set out with his men, in broad day light, intending to sinite [ihe village of] Raptad. He halted! near the wellin the neighbourhood of Pasulfir, beyond the mango grove of Upparlapalleh.§ Vhe people of that place sent word of this to Basava; and on hearing of if he marched with his (sainyam) army, taking his guns [small cannon] with him; and when he was going to Kaptad, they met lim as they were coming from the mange
- The éurasalArauic, Gury, abubvark} is the name used for a tewer or for-
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¥ Jats depending un the well.
§ Uppara vandla: tank diggers, Samular te uieners.
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