Page:Watty & Meg, or, The wife reform'd.pdf/6

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[ 6 ]

A' night lang he rowt and gauntet,
Sleep or reſt he cou'dna tak;
Maggy aft, wi' horror hauntet,
Mum'lan, ſtartes at his back.

Soon as e'er the morning peepet,
Up raiſe Watty, waefu' chiel,
Kiſt his weans while they ſleepit,
Waukent Meg, and ſought farewel,

"Farewel, Meg!— And O may Heav'n
Keep you ay within his care;
Watty's heart ye've lang been grievin',
Now he'll never faſh you mair!

Happy cou'd I been beſide you,
Happy baith at morn and e'en;
A' the ills did e'er betide you,
Watty 'ay turn’d out the frien'.

Bet ye ever like to ſee me
Vest and ſighan, late and air:
Farewel, Meg ! I’ve ſworn to lea' thee,
So thou’ll never ſee mair?"

Meg a’ ſabban ſae to loſe him.
Sic a change had never wiſt,
Held his haun cloſe to her boſom,
While her heart was like to burſt.

"O my Watty! will ye lea' me
Frien'less, helpleſs to deſpair?
O! for this se time forgi'e me!
Never will I vex you mair.”

Ay! ye've aft ſeid that and broken
A' your vows ten times a-week
No, no, Meg!- See there's a token
Glittering on my bonnet-cheek.