Page:Watty & Meg, or, The wife reform'd.pdf/7

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[ 7 ]

Owr the ſeas I march this morning,
Liſtet, teſlet, ſworn an' a';
Forc'd by your confounded girning!
Farewel Meg! for I'm awa'."

Then poor Maggy's tears and clamour
Guſht afreſh, and louder grew,
While the weans, wi' mournfu' yammer,
Round their ſabban mother flew!

"Thro the yirth I'll wauner wi' you!
Stay, O Watty! ſtay at hame!
Here upon my knee, I'll gi'e you
Ony vow ye like to name!

See your poor young lammies pleadin'!
Will ye gang and break our heart?
No a houſe to put our head in!
No a frien' to tak our part!"

Ilka word came like a bullet!
Watty’s heart begoud to ſhake!
On a kiſt he laid his wallet,
Dighted baith his een and ſpake:

"If ance mair I cou'd, by writing,
Lea' the ſogers, and ſtay ſtill,
Wad you ſwear to drap your flyting?"
"Yes, O Watty! yes I will!"

"Then," quo' Watty; "mind be honeſt,
Aye to keep your temper ſtrive;
Gin ye break this dreadful promiſe,
Never mair expect to thrive.

"Marget Howe, this hour ye ſolemn'
"Swear by every thing that's gude,
"Ne'er again your ſpouſe to ſcald him,
"While life warms your heart and blood: