Page:Watty & Meg, or, The wife reform'd.pdf/8

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[ 8 ]

"That ye’ll ne’er in Mungo’s ſeek me—
"Ne’er put drunken to my name—
"Never out at e’ening ſteek me—
"Never gloom when I come hame—

"That ye'll ne'er, like Beſſy Miller,
"Kick my ſhins, or rug my hair—
"Laſtly, I’m to keep the ſiller—
"This, upon your ſoul, ye ſwear!"

"Oh!" quo' Meg—"Aweel," quo' Watty,
"Farewell! faith I’ll try the ſeas!
"O ſtan' ſtill!' quo' Meg, and grat ay;
Ony, ony way you pleaſe!"

Maggy ſyne, becauſe he preſt her,
Swore to a'thing owr again:
Watty lap, and danc’t, and kiſt her!
Wow but he was wond’rous fain!

Down he threw his ſtaff victor'ous!
Aff gaed bonnet, claes and ſhoon!
Syne below the blankets, glorious,
They enjoy’d the honey-moon!


Falkirk - T. Johnston, Printer.