Page:Weird Tales v01n04 (1923-06).djvu/118

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By Learning to Play Your Favorite Musical Instrument this New Easy Way “W BOUGHT 2 house and a lot, and paid $1,100 toward it; all carned through teach- ing piano,” writes Mrs. Mary A. Olsen, 3715 Wadsworth St., Los Angeles, Cal. “I would not ‘take $1,000 for my financial and social gain through your lessons. _I don’t know how you can give so much for so little, I think your method is just wonderful.” Mrs. Olsen is only one of more than three hundred thousand men, women and young ple who have become accomplished musicians through this wonderful new method. All the intricate “mysteries” of music have been reduced to @ system of amazing simplicity. Every step is made as clear as A. B. c You don’t hayo to know anything whatever about _music, You earn to play your favorite in- strument right in your own home, quickly, easily and without endless study and practice. Long before you now think it could ever be ponte, you will actually play well enough to in demand as a well-paid entertainer, teacher or musician, . A delighted Ye-year-ola girl, Miss Jessie Theall of North Houston, Tex., writes, “My first six entertainments that I played the violin for, paid me $39.25 besides all the pleasure of playing for my friends.” y fs

$10 to $40 in Two Hours

A busy mother, Mre. Anna M Lewis of - Northfield, Ohio, recently learned to play the violin in just the few odd moments she could spare from her household duties,.and now earns many weldome dollars to help clothe and edu- cate her four children. “At weddings and church socials I get from $10 to $40 for a couple of hours playing,” she writes, “I am invited everywhere, and my home is so much happier.” : A The pew eer is ree uae rudgery. You'll begin to play melodies almost from the start. You don’t have to pin your- self down to regular hours and regular classes. You practice whenever you can, and learn as quickly as you please.

Save Months of _ Time

“I have learned to play better than many @ conserva- tory student in easily one-eighth the time,” writes Miss Kitty Breany, 154 Warren St., Paterson, N. J. “The lessons are so interesting that they seem like play. A lady I know spent $400 for a private teacher, but her playing can-

“Hundreds of ha:

that an eli, reduced.


Every Music Lover Should Have this Amazing FREE Book py musicians all over America have helped to write this absorbing, inspiring book, -You will read the fact- stories of dozens of people si Their actual personal experiences-are wonderful proofs to you our success can be equally ted to see how marvelously the New Method has ie intricacies of music to such astonishing ease and simplicity. The book is FREE—but you should ‘send for it right ore all copies may be gone! . . ' not begin to compare with mine.”

You can do what Miss Breany has done, Youngsters of from 10 to 12 years have done it, and ple as old as sixty have found uew interest and enjoyment in learning to play 4& musical instrument. You don’t have to

listen while others entertain. You can be the. talented person who is the center of attraction; who holds the andience fascinated; who wins the applause—and the dollars.

Plays in Orchestra and Band

“f am solo clarinct in @ twenty-piece band, (mostly old players),” writes Gerald 0, Cairus, 20 High St., Walton, N. ¥. “Also member of on eighteen-piece orchestra whose director has studied in all the large conservatories of America and Germany, Ho was astonished when I told him how I earned to play.”

“In three months I was laying saxophone in the High Eatpol orchestra, The fourth month I organized a profitable dance orchestra,” writes George Johnson, 402 Newton St., Salisbury; Md. “And now, at college, I play in.concerts of the Musical Club in New York, Philadelphia, Atlantic City, etc.”

Three Months From Today

You, Too, Can Play

Is it the piano that you wish to play, or the organ, violin, tar, harp or cello? Do you want to learn to sing from notes? Are you eager to play “jazz” on the banjo, clarinet, Saxophone, trombone, or the drum and ? Does the cornet call to you, or the flute or piccolo? *Would you love to learn the ukulele (the Hawaiian steel guitar) ? Choose your favorite—and . play it three months from today.

You will learn by notes—the only practical way for you to learn, There are no’ “numbers” and no “tricks” in this mar- velous method. You learn to read your notes just as you are able to read the letters that


Clarinet Flute


make a word, and you will be able to recognize

ated just“ as you are’ today,

You will be amazed

Learn to Play Any Instrument ” Cello Saxophone _ Trombone ae es

and will make a melody. You learn play them so thet they

harmonies like you learn phrases and expressions of speech and you learn time like you learn pronunciation. f

Free Book Explains All About This New Method .

Send for this free, valuable

book, “Music Lessons in Your Own Home.” It costa you nothing. You obligate yourself in no way whatever. Everyone interested in music ought to read the story of this wonder- ful new simplified method. It wilt tell ya how you can make music 2 delightful hobby or a money-maker for your spare hours; how you can take the first steps to @ profitable musical career if you are dissatis- fied with your present life work; how you can be a social favorite, and go everywhere or have fun at home; how you can do these delightful things/ quickly, easily and at a cost so low that it will surprise you.

Special Short-Time Offer This Free Book also tells about a Special Short-time Offer now being made to music- lovers. Mail the coupon at once for your copy. Remember, it obligates you in no way what- ever. Itis TREE! Act now before the supply is exhausted!

U.S. SCHOOL OF MUSIC 406 Brunswick Building New York City

Please" write Name _ and Address piainly so that there will be no difficulty in booklet reaching you.


U. S. SCHOOL OF MUSIC 406 Brunswick Bldg., New York City Please send me your free book, “Music Lessons in Your Own Home,” and partic-

ulars of your special offer. I am interested. in the following course:

eee henee owen aya nan se nee sewenseceeesmens

(Name of Instrument or Course)

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Noni Soo een ance cenenenee (Please Write Plainly)

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