Page:Weird Tales v01n04 (1923-06).djvu/119

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Btoves to Slavery to a Hot Kitchen Stove,

Makes Your Range A Gas Stove

' Oliver O11-Gea Berets Se spesing nar, oem Ee cia oat inane

intoa real ges stove that turns on and off vo. Gives muoh or little heat—only when you

| want Itate twist of your wrist. Jast paring a gas, | Wonderful Bakling or3 ad iar ‘and quicker than ever before. Don’

Self al} out of sorts by nursing # hot fre all day just for . cooking and baking. With th! simply turn & valve, strike @ match. inesiay © OVen isate floceven temperature—any dogrod you want, Putin your roast or baking—pat on stew thay fre dose, tara the valvectireie out tostantiy— jurns 95% OW "a0

| Burns 95%, Alr, 5%

ur. Rens OOF Ales OF Oe sn sate fits any kind of cook stove or 39 without changes oF @niliins, Yon est it su gour Srebor Cee dl safe, it taste w itotinne, 160,000 ip use,

30 Days Free Tr.

‘You don’t have to be satisfied with

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e Ol. - CAS BURNER &@ MACHINE CO., OUIVER wt Shiver catiaings “sts Coule, tos

Canadian Difices: 2416-F Webster Building, Toronto

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SaGiaenaaes Gone aoe tee

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(Continued from page 80)

As he did so he turned his eyes upon me—and the blood seemed to freeze within my veins! Not to my dying day shall I forget the awful power of that look!

But only for a second did this last—for I had already drawn another grenade and was in the act of hurling it. This time the bomb fell directly at the feet of the high priest and burst with deadly force.

Even while the old man's eyes were boring through me with that unearthly fury, Kwo-Sung-tao was blown to fragments!

An instant later the sun vanished, and a ghostly semi-night fell like a thunderbolt!

IT WAS several days later when Dr. Ferdinand Gresham, Ensign Hallock and myself returned to the Mare Island navy yard at San Francisco.

And there, for the first time, we learned that the world remained intact and was out of danger.

When we had ascertained that we three were the only survivors of our expedition, we had started wandering over the mountains through the semi-darkness until we found the destroyer. Unable to navigate the vessel, we had taken the hydroplane, which Hallock knew how to handle, and started south. Engine trouble had prolonged our trip.

Back from the grave, as it seemed, we listened with tremendous elation to the story of the wounded planet's convalescence.

That last terrible upheaval, just before the destruction of the sorcerers' power plant, had seemed for a time to be the actual beginning of the end. But, instead, it had proved to be the climax—after which the earthquakes had begun rapidly to die out. Scientists now declared that before long the earth would regain its normal stability.

With our return, the story of the Seuen-H'sin was given to the public. So universal became the horror with which that sect was regarded that an international expedition proceeded into China and dealt vigorously with the sorcerers.

The tremendous changes that had been wrought in the surface of the planet presently lost their novelty.

And New York and other cities that had been destroyed, or partially so, speedily were rebuilt.

Here I must not omit one other

strange incident connected with these events.

One evening, nearly two years after our encounter with the sorcerers, Dr. Gresham and I were sitting at the window of his New York apartment, idly watching the moon rise above the range of housetops to the east of Central Park.

Suddenly I began to stare at the disk with rapt interest. Clutching the astronomer by the sleeve, I exclaimed excitedly:

"Look there! Odd I never noticed it before! The face of the Man in the Moon is the living image of that Chinese devil, Kwo-Sung-tao!"

"Yes!" agreed Dr. Gresham with a shudder. "And it makes my flesh creep even to look at it!"


Men Sing Hymn As They
Go To Death

MAROONED on a floating ice cake in the Missouri River, with all hope of rescue gone, Harvey McIntosh and his brother, Tom, of Mondamin, Iowa, bravely sang, "Nearer My God to Thee," while the ice floe carried them to a swift and certain death. Their friends lined either side of the river, but were unable to reach them. Night came on, and from the darkness came the strains of the old hymn, which gradually grew, fainter and then ended in silence.

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