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The Woman Who Wished And How She Found An Easy Way To Turn Her Wish Into a Fact know one note from another. A Today she plays the piano-entirely by note-better than many who have been playing for years. Here she tells how she learned and why it was so easy. Thousands of others from school children to men and women of 50 to 60, have also learned music in the same easy way. A new method that makes singing or any instrument amazingly simple to master. FRO ROM the time I was a child I have always had a yearning and longing to play the piano. Often I have felt that I would gladly give up half of my life if some kind fairy would only turn my wish into a fact. You see I had begun to think I was too old to learn, that only some sort of fairy story magic could give me the ability to play. I was 35 years old-and the mother of a small family-before I knew one note from another. ADVERTISEMENT She Could Play the Piano Until I learned to play, hearing music-es- pecially the piano-always gave me almost as much pain as pleasure. My enjoyment of it was always somewhat soured by envy and re- gret-envy of those who could entertain and charm, with their playing, regret because I my- self had to be a mere listener. And I suppose it is that way with every one who has to be satis- fied with hearing music instead of playing it. Again and again, parties and other social gatherings have been all but spoiled for me. I could enjoy myself until some one suggested music or singing; then I felt "left out" a lone- some wallflower-a mere looker-on instead of part of the party. I was missing half the fun. It was often almost as bad when callers came. It is so much easier to entertain people-par- ticularly if you don't know them well-if one can turn to the piano to fill the gaps when conversation lags. But until re- cently our piano was only a piece of furniture. We bought it three years ago, simply to have it in the house while wait- ing for our two lit- tle girls to reach the age for begin- ning lessons for I Was determined that they should never be denied the full enjoyment of music the way I had been. But as it turned out, I learned to play be- fore my girls did- in fact, I myself am now their teacher. Thousands Write Like This: "I am delighted to tell you how I am getting on with my lessons. Everything is so plain. I had been going to a teacher for about two months and could not seem to learn a thing. But how quick I under- stood your lessons." Eliza Logan, Philadel- phia, Pa. "I have already earned enough with my mandolin to pay for the instrument and course of lessons. Have re ceived many compli ments upon my play- ing."-Lester Plettner, Forestville, Wis. "Our little girl has been elected organist of the Junior Epworth League, of M. E. Church, South after taking your lessons and at the age of 12 years. That is speaking well for your school." J. G. Castle, Fulton, Mo. "Have learned more about music and play- ing in the four lessons received from you than. I expected to learn in six months."-U. S. Whitman, Washington, D. C. "I am getting along better than I ever did with a teacher right with me." Brown, Mass. Edna Springfield, The way I have suddenly blos- somed out in mu- sic (almost over night, you might say) has been a big surprise to all who know me, and to myself as well. My friends seem to think it must be that I had a previously undiscovered genius for the piano. But if there was any genius about it, it wasn't on my part, but in the lessons I took-a new and simpli- fied method that makes it remark- ably easy for any one to add music or singing to their daily lives. Any one anywhere can now learn to play any instrument or learn to sing just as easily as I did. All the hard part, all the big expense, all the old difficulties, have been swept away by this sim- ple new method. I learned entirely by; home study-in my spare time-from fascinating Print-and-Picture lessons that make everything so simple and easy that one simply can't go wrong on them. I call it a short-cut way to learn-it is so much simpler and so en- tirely different from the old and hard-to-understand methods. I know that I made better and faster progress than I ever could by bothering with a private teacher or joining a class. In fact, while I don't like to brag, within six months after I took my first lesson my playing was better than that of many of my friends who had studied two or three years under private teach- ers-not because I was any more apt than they, but simply because the wonderful Print- and-Picture lessons sent me by the U. S. School of Music were so easy to understand. Then they were so interesting that study and practice were more like a pastime than a task or duty. And so convenient; you can study and prac- tice just as it happens handy, instead of tying yourself down to set hours. And no strangers around to embarrass you or make you nervous. Within a year after I took my first lesson I be- gan teaching my two little girls to, play-using exactly the same lessons I myself had studied. And I notice that both of them seem to be getting along better than any of their playmates who have Ivate teachers. In addition, I am saving the money it would cost to have a private teacher-I figure it would cost at least $3 to $5 a lesson to have a teacher whose instruction could compare with that contained in the printed lesson from the U. 8. School. Yet, from the first lesson to the last, the total cost of learning the way I did averaged only a few conte a day. My only regret is that I didn't know of this really wonderful method years before. The ability to play is such a great comfort. No matter how much I am alone, I never get lonesome-I can always turn to my plano for amusement. I am never at a loss for a way to entertain callers. I no longer feel that I am "out of it" at social gath- erings. Do you wonder that I so gladly recom- mend the method that has brought me so much pleasure and satisfaction? This woman's experience is by no means unusual. Over 300,000 others-from school children to men and women of 50 and 60-have learned to play their favorite instrument or learned to sing in the same way this woman did. Read the enthusiastic letters which you will find, printed here-samples of the kind of letters we are receiving practically every mail. Largely through the recommendation of satisfied pupils, we have built up the largest school of music in the world. Whether for beginners or advanced pupils our method is a revolutionary improvement of the old and hard-to-learn methods used by private teach- ers, and our method is as thorough as it is simple and easy. We teach you in the only right way-teach you to play or aing entirely by note. No "trick" music, no "numbers," no makeshifts of any kind. Yet it in a short-cut method, simply be cause every step is made so sim- ple and clear, and the total cost averages only a few cents a lesson with your music and everything included. For Beginners or Advanced Pupils Hawailan Steel Gultar Harmony and Composition Sight Singing 'Cello Piano Organ Violla Drums and Traps Banjo Mandelin Clarinet Cornet Harp.. Flute Piccolo Saxophone Trombone Gultar Tenor Banjo Volce and Speech Culture Automatic Finger Control Ukulele When learning to play or sing is so easy, why continue to con- fine your enjoyment of music to mere listening? Why not at least let us send you our free book, ab- sorbingly interesting. simply be- cause it shows you how easy it is to turn your wish to play or sing Into an actual fact? With it will be sent a Free Illustrated Folder that proves-better than words- how delightfully quick and easy it is to learn thusic by the famous Print-and-Picture method. Just now we are making a special short time offer that cute the cost per lesson in two-send your namo Inow, before this special offer is withdrawn. Sim- ply use the coupon or send your name and address in a letter or on a postcard. Instruments supplied when needed, cash or credit. PLEASE WRITE NAME AND ADDRESS VERY PLAINLY, so that there will be no difficulty about the booklet and folder reaching you. U.S. SCHOOL OF MUSIC 4011 Brunswick Bldg. New York City U. S. SCHOOL OF MUSIC 4011 Brunswick Bldg., New York City 93 Please send me your free book, "Musle Lessons in Your Own Home," with the folder Illustrating your easy Print-and-Picture method, also particu- fars of your Special Short-time Offer. I am inter- ested in the following course: Name Address City- (Name of Instrument or Course) Please Write Plainly State.