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A Five-Minute Tale
With a Powerful Climax
The Survivor
AS THE two men lay on the sand that night, it seemed to John Binns that he could reach up over his head and pluck a handful of the coldly glittering stars, so near did they seem.
They were bright tonight; they tortured him, seemed to mock his suffering. There was one star that fascinated him. It was larger and brighter than the rest, and he lay staring at it until his eyes smarted.
He licked his dry lips, running his tongue between them, and cringed at the filelike rasp. He stole a look at his companion lying near, and slyly drew the canteen, with its fast-diminishing precious contents, to his mouth. He had no thought for his weaker companion, Dick Webb. When Dick could not suppress a groan, Binns' close-set eyes narrowed and gleamed evilly, and he muttered imprecations against the frailer men.
He was angry with Webb. The two had had an argument concerning the world-old law of the survival of the fittest. He had contended that the law among men held the same as it did among the brute creation. The strong survived, the weak perished. Didn't all the big animals prey upon the smaller ones? Of course. Webb pointed out that brains were far superior to brute strength, and that brute strength frequently defeated its own purpose. His argument had been convincing enough to arouse the ire of Binns. He knew that Webb was his superior go far as intellect went, and it angered him. Well, he'd show the weakling that there was another way of taking care of yourself besides using physical strength—there was a foxlike cunning, that didn't require the brains that Webb seemed to think he had, either.
If it were not for that puny Webb, he, Binns, the stronger of the two, and therefore the more fit to live, might have a chance, a fighting chance, of getting out of the desert alive. They were lost. What food they had carried with them was gone, and the water running low. Water was the worst problem. The moisture of the body dries up rapidly in those hot sands.
Binns' tongue was rough, his throat beginning to ache, his lips to crack. The two men could not last much longer. One of them simply must be left there. Which one? Not Binns. He loved life too well to think of sacrificing it for a weakling, whom, in his opinion, the world would never miss—and Binns himself was normally a strong man.
Binns' fear of death was a morbid one. It was this fear that had led him from the beginning of their mishap to take craftily more than his portion of the water and give Dick less. It was all Dick's fault, anyway; for had he not gotten Binns into this fool's chase after gold? He cursed himself for having been so silly as to be led away from his former life where he had lived fairly well on what he could pick up by his wits.
The man at his side stirred, mumbled something in a half delirious way, then asked for water.
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