Page:What Is The True Christian Religion?.pdf/45

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thought and deed. (Jesus said, "By this shall men know that ye are my disciples if ye have love one to another.")

Thus religion is covered by obedience to the Ten Commandments, both in the letter and in spirit, and thus to the Two Great Commandments, which Jesus asserts is true religion.

Of course, the inspiration to keep those commandments and the power to do so are from the Lord alone, whose victory over the hells makes it possible for man so to aspire and so to live, for without Him we can do nothing.

It is true that the church of the past has divided Deity into three separate and distinct Persons—as in the Athanasian creed—"each of whom is by Himself God and Lord". But actually today most churches look upon Jesus as a kind of subordinate Deity, as a Son subject to the Father, despite the fact that He said: "All power is given unto me in heaven and earth." And they look upon the Holy Spirit as subject to both Father and Son, but as a Person separate and distinct from the Father and the Son.

But they say that God is One, even though, they claim that God is divided into three co-equal Uncreate, Infinite and Eternal Beings, making obviously three Divine Beings or Gods, and yet from many statements, they seem to feel that the Son is subordinate and the Holy Spirit still more subordinate.

They somehow cannot realize that God is one as we, and has three aspects, or phases of His being, just as man has a soul, manifested through a body, and has a life of activity proceeding from his soul through the body.