Page:What Is The True Christian Religion?.pdf/46

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The time is come, according to Swedenborg, when the Church must realize that God is one and indivisible, just as is a man made in the Divine image and likeness; and also that God projected Himself into human life by self-limitation as Jesus, with three objectives:

(1) To reveal Himself to men,

(2) In order to save mankind from the power of the hells, and

(3) In order to provide an eternal and Divine Dynamo to make the Divine Love and Truth and Power available to man.

No more confusing and misleading idea of the Divine Being can be offered than that of the old teaching that God exists in three separate and distinct individuals "each of whom is by Himself God and Lord." It is like having three separate suns for our solar system instead of one, or three separate centers for a circle. While all Christians say that God is one, many insist that God is three separate, coequal equal and distinct Beings. This belief is a part of the "Plan of Salvation."

And yet many, after making that claim, inconsistently enough, make the Son subordinate and the Holy Spirit still more subordinate.

But even that after all is a belief in Three Separate Divine Beings.

The Dragon is "red” because of its infernal falsity. It is called "great” because the tenet of Three Gods and Faith Alone are almost universally held.

But why is this frightful beast called a Dragon? The dictionary tells us that a dragon is a mythical monster, of the serpent species, and is regarded even still in some countries as the embodiment of evil". In the 19th chapter of Revelation the dragon is called "that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan". We know that the real nature of the serpent in the Garden of Eden was subtle and insinuating, and as our first parents listened to its voice, they were led by excited self-love to reject the Divine.

In mythology the dragon was frightful in its aspect, threatening