Page:What Is The True Christian Religion?.pdf/52

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Being to pacify or appease another Divine Being, for there is only one Divine Being, not Two or Three; and thus there was no Divine Being up in heaven demanding the murder—for that is what the crucifixion of Jesus was of His innocent Son in order to be able to forgive mankind. In reading Bible texts, which seem to confirm the teaching of salvation by the "blood," the true sense becomes apparent at once if we use the word "life" instead. Salvation by the blood thus becomes salvation by the life of Jesus in our lives.

The whole trouble is that men do not understand the true nature of God, and seek to be saved for heaven by an easy way. In this New Age the true nature of the Divine Being is revealed. God is as to His inmost substance and being nothing else but Love,—Unselfish Love,— which has nothing whatever of Self-Love in it. His Love,— or His nature,—goes out wisely in order to accomplish the purpose that true and sincere love always has, namely, the lasting welfare and happiness of others.

God's purpose therefore is to bless endlessly and completely, and to do so it goes out into the performance of useful things for the beloved. A mother's love is a picture on the human plane of the love of God. How can a loving Heavenly Father demand the death of His children? Can a mother do so? The Trinity in God is Love, Wisdom and Use. The Father is the Divine Love, or the soul, as it were, of God. The Son is the Divine Wisdom, or the Divine Truth, which goes forth creatively, and is the Logos, the word, the Divine self-expression. The Holy Spirit is the loving activity of the Father manifested in His coming forth to view as the Son. It is the Divine Presence. There are not three, but one, just as the soul, body and outgoing spirit of a man are one.

God had to have a revelation of Himself given to His creatures who otherwise could not know an invisible Being. He gave it in the Old Testament through angels and prophets, but the time came when it became necessary, due to the darkness of men's souls, for Him to reveal Himself directly; and to do this it became necessary for Him to provide a channel, or an external instrumentality in the world of nature. Jesus revealed Himself as God: "He that hath seem me hath the Father," and He also said, "No man cometh unto the Father but