Page:What Is The True Christian Religion?.pdf/53

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by me," just as no one can see or approach our soul except through our body.

In assuming a human nature, with all the weaknesses and tendencies to sin inherited through Mary, it became possible for Him to meet and overcome through temptation-combats the evil, malignant beings of the underworld. This involved His sufferings and His death upon the cross. There was no substitution, but an actual rescue by the Lord as the champion of mankind. His death did not appease the Father's wrath or offended sense of justice for Jesus was the Father, as He said, "I and the Father are one," or identical. Was not this love, true love, overcoming love, and does it not melt our hearts and arouse in us our love to Him?

Let me close this chapter with certain statements about the nature of God taken from the Lord's revelations of Himself to this New Age which are surprisingly beautiful. Contrast them with the idea of God involved in the old cruel statements in the "Plan of Salvation," or the doctrine of Faith Alone, where a curse is placed upon the human race which God is by His sense of justice unable to avert.

Now hear this:

"With the Lord, when He was in the world, there was no other life than the life of love toward the universal human race, which he burned to save eternity. This is the veriest celestial life . . . Jehovah is nothing else than mercy, which is of love to the universal human race— and that life was one of pure love, which is never possible with any man." And now another:

"From these few statements it can be seen how deluded are those who think, and still more those who believe, and still more those who teach, that God can damn anyone, curse anyone, send anyone to hell, predestine any soul to eternal death, avenge wrongs, be angry, or punish. He cannot even turn Himself away from man, nor look upon him with a stern countenance. These and like things are contrary to His essence; and what is contrary to His essence is contrary to His very Self.

"Jehovah God—or the Lord—never curses anyone, never leads anyone into temptation, never punishes anyone, and still less does He curse anyone. All this is done by the infernal crew, for such things