Page:What Is The True Christian Religion?.pdf/63

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We live in a world whose motto is, "Each man for himself; let the devil take the hindmost." This is its animating motive. This is the animating motive of millions of people who believe that they are "saved by grace". It is a do-nothing religion so far as dedication to the principle of securing justice to all others concerned.

Jesus taught that every man must be born again in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. That meant to achieve a new motivation in life, namely, "Each for all, and all for each". That is the motto of heaven. And the life of heaven on earth can result only from the adoption of such a motto. By the love of others alone do we become Christians in the truest sense. Jesus said, "A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; even as I have loved you, that ye also love one another; By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have Love one to another".

This is the true Christian religion, a sincere brotherhood.

This is a New Age; overwhelmingly and unmistakably new, shown in ten thousand ways. World changes have occurred of such a nature that no one can successfully question the advances of the last century and a half. We are not living in the kind of world that existed before the American Revolution. Among other things old tyrannies have been overthrown, in the religious world as well as in the realm of political life. Men have been set free. This is all in keeping with the advances made In industry and agriculture and transportation and in communication by wire and wireless and radio. It would seem fitting that there should be a new understanding of religion when a new understanding in all other branches of human thought and activity has taken place.

Immediately that it is suggested that there could possibly be a change in the understanding of religion a bitter antagonism is aroused in the breasts of warm adherents of the old beliefs. They say, "Is not religion eternal, as eternal as the Bible itself? God does not change. This man would change the religion established by the Saviour two thousand years ago. The old-time religion is good enough for me." They do not consider that the Christian religion has been variously understood by hundreds of different sects during the centuries. The Jews of the time of Jesus did not think it possible that