Page:What Is The True Christian Religion?.pdf/64

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their religion, as they understood and practiced it, could be relatively forgotten. Who of them could foresee the effect of the mission of Jesus in the world? Each religionist believes that his idea of religion is the only true one and when the suggestion is made that he can possibly be mistaken he feels that the wisdom of God is being attacked. Without the use of spiritual dynamite civilization would have been, hopelessly crystallized ages ago.

The men of this world must learn that the self-centered, self-loving, self-serving life means the life of hell on earth and hell hereafter. And that the life of service to all others from love to God and the neighbor is the only life that brings enduring happiness.

Thus men must come to seek the welfare and happiness of all others rather than their own by service to them from the love of God in their hearts. This joy in service must become the delight of lives. It is the love of sharing, which makes the joy of heaven.

The neighbor who we are to love is not necessarily the person of another but his eternal good, that which brings lasting happiness to him, the life of orderly and useful living which is the life of Jesus in his soul. We cannot love the disagreeable and evil qualities in another, but we can love his reform, the giving up of his evil. Thus we can love that which is truly and sincerely and permanently good for all men. And we should seek that good at all times and everywhere.

Oneness with all others should be a goal in life, be they white or black, red, brown, or yellow, whether they be of our own nationality or race or creed. We are to think of them as children of God and strive for the eternally good in them as we strive for our own. This does not mean to identify ourselves with their falsities or evils of character or life, but to seek the life of God in their souls. It means to seek social justice, that all men may share in the bounties which our loving Heavenly Father has provided for all His children.

I can fancy our great industrial leaders of today, instead of seeking by every method feasible to exploit mankind, seeking to serve universal mankind by working to provide everyone everywhere with decent homes, with abundant means for living as they themselves