Flora (unfastening her hair). I can let it hang down; but I doubt if I could make it curl.
Nellie (searching in the drawer). You must have a white feather—I think I have one—there—it might be longer, but it will do. (Sticks the feather in her hair.) Help me, Flora, to fasten it; I will see now if I can't turn myself into a knight worthy of her. (Exit by middle door.)
Flora (busy with Katie). How lovely you will look—do you know what—I shall make you a train (takes a colored shawl from the hat stand). There; I will just fasten it with a couple of pins, and the train will be sweeping the floor! Elegant! elegant! You look just exactly like one of the beauties of the middle ages!
Katie. Thanks for the compliment. Fasten everything good and strong, so that when I dance my finery won't fall off and reveal me as plain Katie Johnson. Now, there's nothing wanting but
Flora (suggestively). But a white mule!
Nellie (re-entering). Here I am! (She has on a white cloak arranged as a toga, on her head a Turkish fez, and a moustache made with burnt cork.)
Flora. Your arrival is most opportune!
Katie. As my knight, for instance! Oh! how I have sighed for a knight!
Nellie. Well, do I please you?
Katie. Charming! A toga like an Arab or a Greek, a fez like a Turk, and a moustache like a Frenchman.
Nellie. Three nationalities ought to be enough for you.
Katie. To tell the truth, I should much prefer one real man.
Nellie. Oh, you're never satisfied! The novels you read have turned your head. She doesn't think that I look manly enough!
Katie. Don't get mad; you'll do as you are. But where is the organ?
Nellie. That's so; I'll go and see about it. (She opens the middle door, at the same moment she meets Edna and Sadie in masquerade costumes. Edna, as a German student; Sadie, as an Italian Count.)
Nellie (starting back in surprise). Oh, my!
Sadie. Servitare!
Edna. Gehorsamster Diener!