Katie and Flora. Good gracious! Who is this (retreating in fear).
Nellie. I believe it is Edith dressed up.
Katie. Or Sadie and Edna.
Flora. But where could they get the dresses; let us pretend we don't recognize them.
Nellie. All right.
Katie. They certainly both look very well.
Nellie. Yes; but we must make them speak. (approaches Sadie.) Dear sir, will you not allow me to peep behind your mask?
Sadie (springing back). Sapristi, Macaroni! Here is a dagger!
Flora (afraid). Oh, heavens!
Katie (turning to Edna). But you, gallant Teuton, are, I trust, not so bloodthirsty?
Edna (with a broken German accent). I bear you no ill will; I have taken this means of approaching you.
Katie (aside). He has come to see me! (Aloud.) Well, then, you must at least show me your moustache.
Edna. I am a very young man, and I have none.
Katie (aside). What a pity!
Edna. But I have a loving heart. I often stand at the window opposite, and watch you whilst you are reading, and I devour you with my eyes.
Katie (delighted, aside). Great heavens! This is very romantic! (To Nellie, half aloud.) Nellie, there is a real man hidden behind that mask.
Nellie. Why not? Probably a man like myself.
Edna (aside). Oh, the little novel reader! Won't I tease her afterwards. (Approaching Katie.) Avoid me not, lovely Kätchen (puts her arm around her).
Katie. He whispers my name in German. I am conquered. (Both retire to the background, whispering, arm in arm.)
Nellie (looking after them). How silly Katie is. I shall talk to the other one; perhaps that will open her eyes; that student is no more of a man than I. (Approaches Sadie, who during the foregoing has been talking in an undertone with Flora.)
Flora (whispers to Nellie). You needn't be afraid; the dagger is made of cardboard.