Page:Where Animals Talk (West African folk lore tales).djvu/129

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took a cup, and drank two glassfuls. Again he shouted, "I, Kudu, I'm drunk! I, Kudu, I'm drunk!"

Out on a prairie, Antelope heard the shouting; and he came to the tree. Seeing Tortoise, he said, "Chum, give me a glass of wine!" Tortoise directed him, "Climb up! Of what are you afraid?" So, Antelope went up the tree, and drank.

Soon Tortoise heard Leopard coming, bounding through the forest. And Tortoise said to Antelope, "Chum! my bowels pain me; I'll soon return." He descended, and hid his body as before. Leopard arrived as before. And he spoke to Antelope; and then killed it with another of his claws. He took its carcass to his town, and bade his wife cook it, as had been done with the others.

After Leopard had gone from the tree. Tortoise climbed the tree a fourth time, again he drank; and again he shouted, changing his words slightly, "I've drank! I've drank!"

In the jungle, Gazelle heard, and came to the base of the tree, but said nothing. Tortoise spoke first, "O! my nephew! the wine is finished!" Gazelle asked, "Who owns this tree?" Tortoise answered, "It's my own, and not another's."

When he came from the jungle. Gazelle had brought with him a bag. As Gazelle still stood at the foot of the tree. Tortoise said to him, "Come up here! What do you fear?" So, Gazelle climbed; but went up only half-way.

While the two were thus apart, and before Gazelle had drunk any of the wine, Tortoise heard Leopard coming, leaping through the bushes. Then Tortoise said to Gazelle, "Ah! nephew! let me pass! My stomach hurts me!" But Gazelle said, "No! uncle, let us stay and drink." Tortoise heard Leopard nearing the tree; and he said to Gazelle, "Ah! Hurry! Let me pass! How my stomach hurts!" Gazelle said, "No! uncle, we'll go down together."

While they were thus talking. Leopard reached the foot of the tree. Then Gazelle took Tortoise and hid him in the bag. Leopard exclaimed, "Ihĕli! who owns this tree?" Gazelle replied, "This is the palm-wine tree of my uncle." Leopard asked, "Who is your uncle?" Gazelle answered, "Kudu."

So, Leopard began to prepare to climb the tree, in order to fight with Gazelle. Then Gazelle put his hand into the