Page:Where Animals Talk (West African folk lore tales).djvu/131

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Tortoise, in the meanwhile, went as fast as he could under the water of the stream. And he came to the house of Crocodile, and crept into the doorway. Crocodile, in tears, met him with the words, "Ah! Kudu! I'm just dying here with grief and crying." Tortoise asked her, "What is the matter?" She told him, "I've laid a hundred eggs, but none of them had children in them." Tortoise replied, "That's my work, the causing of eggs to have children. Shall I do it?" Crocodile consented, "Yes, I've here three hundred other eggs; you may make them have children." Tortoise told her, "I'm the only one to do that thing." So, Crocodile said, "Go into this room, and do it."

Tortoise went into the room, found the eggs there; and said to Crocodile, "Give me here a kettle, also firewood and water. Give me my food here. For, I will not go out of this house; I will go out only at the time when I shall have caused the eggs to have children." Crocodile agreed, saying, "Yes, I am willing. It is well." And she gave direction to her people, "Give Kudu all the things he has asked for there."

Then Tortoise locked all the doors, and stayed inside the room. He began to arrange the fire-wood, and set the kettle and put water in it. In the afternoon, he took twenty eggs, and cooked, and ate them with his food.

At night, all went to sleep.

At daybreak, he cooked twenty more eggs, and ate them; at noon he cooked and ate more; and at evening supper, he cooked and ate some more. So, he spent about seven days in eating all the eggs. Then he called out to Crocodile "Do you want to hear the little crocodiles talk?" Crocodile replied, "Yes! I want to hear!" Tortoise took two pieces of broken plates, and scraped one across the other, making a rasping sound. Crocodile and the people of the town heard the squeaking sounds, and they exclaimed in joy. "So! So, So!" They replied to Tortoise, "We hear the little ones talking!" Tortoise also told them, "Tomorrow, then, I will make a Medicine to cause them to talk loudly." But Crocodile began to have some doubts. And day darkened to night.

Very early in the next morning, Crocodile's doubts having increased, she rose up without calling her people. And she