Page:White Paper on Indian States (1950).pdf/245

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AGREEMENT made this 26th day of December 1949 between the Governor General of India and the Rulers of the States forming the United State of Vindhya Pradesh.

WHEREAS in March 1948 the Rulers of certain States ir Bundelkhand and Baghelkhand entered into a Covenant whereby they agreed to unite and integrate the territories of their States into one State by the name of the United State of Vindhya Pradesh;

AND WHEREAS for divers reasons the administration of the said territories could not be conducted in the manner contemplated in the said Covenant;

AND WHEREAS the parties to the present agreement are convinced that a proper administration of the said territories could only be secured by leaving it to be provided by the Government of India in such manner as it may think fit;

IT is hereby agreed as follows:—

Article I

As from the first day of January, 1950, the Covenant entered into in March 1948 by the Rulers of certain States in Bundelkhand and Baghelkhand for the formation of the United State of Vindhya Pradesh (hereinafter referred to as "the Covenant") shall stand abrogated.

Article II

As from the aforesaid day, the United State of Vindhya Pradesh shall cease to exist, and all the property, assets and liabilities of that State, as well as its rights, duties and obligations, shall be those of the Government of India.

Article III

The Ruler of each of the States specified in the Schedule to this agreement (hereinafter referred to as "the Covenanting States") hereby cedes to the Government of India, with effect from the aforesaid day, full and exclusive authority, jurisdiction and powers for, and in relation to, the governance of that State; and thereafter the Government of India shall be competent to exercise the said powers, authority and jurisdiction in such manner and through such agency as it may think fit.