Page:White Paper on Indian States (1950).pdf/246

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Article IV

(1) The Ruler of each Covenanting State shall be entitled to receive annually from the Government of India for his privy purse the amount specified against that Covenanting State in the Schedule to this Agreement.

(2) The said amount is intended to cover all the expenses of the Ruler and his family including expenses on account of personal staff, maintenance of his residences, marriages and other ceremonies, etc., and shall neither be increased nor reduced for any reason whatsoever.

(3) The said amount shall be free of all taxes and shall be paid in four equal instalments in advance at the beginning of each quarter.

Article V

The Ruler of each Covenanting State, as also the members of his family shall be entitled to all the personal privileges, dignities and titles enjoyed by them, whether within or outside the territories of that State, immediately before the 15th day of August 1947.

Article VI

The Government of India guarantees the succession, according to law and custom, to the gaddi of each Covenanting State, and to the personal rights, privileges, dignities and titles of the Ruler thereof.

Article VII

(1) The Ruler of each Covenanting State shall be entitled to the full ownership, use and enjoyment of all private properties (as distinct from State properties) belonging to him on the date of his making over the administration of that State to the Raj Pramukh in pursuance of the Covenant.

(2) If any dispute arises as to whether any item of property is the private property of the Ruler or State property, it shall be referred to a judicial officer to be nominated by the Government of India, and the decision of that officer shall be final and binding on all parties concerned.

Article VIII

No inquiry shall be made by or under the authority of the Government of India, and no proceedings shall lie in any Court, against the Ruler of any Covenanting State, whether in a personal capacity or otherwise, in respect of anything done or omitted to be done by him or under his authority during the period of his administration of that State.