48 WHO'S WHO IN INDIA JOGESCIIANDRA RaY, M.A., BiDYANIDHI, F.R.A.S., F.R.M.S., Rai Saheb, was born in the year i860, and educated at the Hoogli College of which he was a distinguished student. After taking his M. A. degree (with honors) of the Calcutta University he was appointed Lecturer on Science at the Revenshaw College, Cuttack, in 1883 where he has been a very popular and enthusiastic professor all along. He is an author of various works, notably, of a History of Hindu Astronomy, a Treatise on precious stones based on Sanskrit literature on the subject and an Analytical Grammar and Philology of the Bengali Language. Address : Cuttack, Orrisa. Bankey Lal, Rai Bahadur, Lala — Municipal Commis- sioner and Honorary Magistrate, Bareilly, United Provinces. Title of Rai Bahadur, as a personal distinction conferred in January, 1914. Address: Bareilly. Sheo Prasad, b. a., Rai Bahadur, Babu — Deputy Collec- tor, at present Officiating Junior Secretary to the Board of Revenue, United Provinces, was appointed a Deputy Collector in June, 1900, and was promoted to the 4th grade Deputy CoUectorship in August, 19 13. The title of Rai Bahadur was conferred on him in January, 19 14. HiRA Singh, Rai Bahadur, Retired Extra Assistant Com- missioner of Punjab. The title of Rai Saheb was conferred on him in 1909, and he was made a Rai Bahadur in January, 1914, in recognition of his long services. Rallia Ram, Rai Bahadur, Lala — Extra Assistant Com- missioner, Punjab, was made a Rai Bahadur, in January 1914. Tejchandra Mukherji, Rai Bahadur, Babu— late District and Sessions Judge in the Province of Behar and Orrisa. Title of Rai Bahadur conferred in January, 19 14.
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