Zahir-ul-Haq, B. a., Khan Bahadur, Kazi—born 22nd July, 1868, is descended from the distinguished Saint Shah Abdur Rahman Gaujraz who was domiciled in Faridpur, Bengal. He received his education in the Dacca Madrassa and the Dacca College. He is the Honorary Secretary to the Eastern Bengal and Assam Co-Operative Central Bank, Limited, Dacca. He possesses two taluqs and lakhiraj lands in the Faridpur, and four taluqs in the Dacca District besides some landed and house property in the Dacca City. He is a member of the North-brook Hall Library and Ebassam Club, Dacca, He is the author of a book in Bengali named Shahitya Sopan and of an alligory in English verse called : "The Youngman in the Journey of Life." Address: 2, Ashuq Jamadar Lane, Dacca,
Ramkrishna Raghunath Moramkar, Rao Saheb, born at Sawantwadi inthe State of that name (Bombay Presidency) in the year 1859, belongs to a respectable Gaud-Saraswat Brahmin family. Having finished his education he joined the Assistant Quarter-Master General's Office, Bombay, as a clerk during the Afghan war in 1880 and after a few years was pro- moted to the post of 2nd clerk in which position he served till 1911 when he retired. For his loyal services to the Govern- ment he was made a Rao Saheb in June, 1913. He is now con- ducting a Mahratti journal named "Vividha Jnana Vistar" which is published from Bombay. Address: Vividha Jnana Vistar Office, Kalba Devi Post Office, Bombay.
Harendra Narain Ray Mahasay Lakhanath, Rai Bahadur, Zemindar, North Balasore, Behar and Orissa. Title of Rai Bahadur conferred in Jaunary, 19 14.
Ram Brik Singh, Rai Bahadur, Babu — Deputy Superintendent of Police, Behar and Orissa, was granted the title of Rai Bahadur in January 1914, in recognition of his public services. Braja Rakhal SauGal, Rai Bahadur, Babu— Officiating Deputy Superintendent of Police, Behar and Orissa. Title conferred in January, 1914.