Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/699

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the late Mr. Sun Tsao-sun in establishing the Chung Foo Union Bank. Upon the formal opening of the Bank in May 1916, he became Shanghai manager of the Bank, as a concurrent post which he is still holding. He holds many other business positions, such as, director of the Flour Merchants' Guild, vice-president of the Chinese Bankers Association, Shanghai, member of editorial committee of the General Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai. He is also connected with the Chung Foo Union Bark, Fou Foong Flour Vill Co., Tung Foong Flour Mill, Honan, Tsi Foong Flour Mill. Shantung, Tai Loong Flour Mill, Wusih, Lee Hsin Transportation Co., Woo Foong Godown Co., Shanghai and Tung Hwei Industrial Development. Co., Peking. He has been made a Counsellor of the Ministry of Agriculture & Comerce and has received three decorations of the "Chia Woo" rank.