Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/700

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Mr. Soong Tsung-faung

(Sung Ch’un fang)

Mr. Soong Tsung-faung was born in 1891 at Wu Shing, Chekiang. When he was a mere youth of thirteen, he received the degree of "Shoutsai” or B. A. in the old Chinese Regime. He studied English at St. John's University, Shanghai, for some years, and later went to Switzerland and entered the University of Geneva to study Social and Political Science. In 1915 he received the M. A. degree from that university. After his return to China, Mr. Soong became lecturer of modern languages in St. John's University from 1916 to 1917. Then he went to Peking and accepted the position of professorship in French Language in Tsing Hua