Page:Wife of Beith (4).pdf/12

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We are troubled with thy cry,
David quoth she, how cam'st thou here?
Thou might'st bide out as well as I,
Thy deeds no ways thou canst deny,
Is not thy sin far worse than mine?
Who with Uriah's wife did lie,
And caus'd him to be murder'd syne,
Then Jedith said who's there that knocks,
And to our neighbour gives these notes
Madam said she let be your mocks,
I came not here for cutting throats;
I am a sinner full of blots,
Yet through Christ's blood I shall be clean.
If you and I be judged by votes,
The thing you did was worse than mine
Then said the sapient Solomon,
Thou art a sinner all men say,
Therefore our Saviour, I suppose,
Thee heavenly entrance will deny,
Mind quoth she thy latter days,
What idol gods thou did upset,
And wast so lewd in Venus' plays,
Thou didst thy maker quite forget.
Then Jonas said fair dame content you,
If you intend to come to grace.
You must dree penance and repent you

Ere you come within this place.