Page:Wife of Beith (4).pdf/13

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Jonas quoth she how stands the case?
How came you here to be with Christ?
How dare you look me in the face?
Considering how you broke your tryst,
To go God's errand thou withstood him
And held his council in disdain;
The raven messenger thou play'd him,
And brought no message back again;
With mercy thou wast not content,
When that the Lord he did them spare
Although the city did repent,
It grieved thee thy heart was sair:
Let me alone and speak no more,
Go back again into the whale,
For now my heart is also sore,
But yet I hope I shall prevail.
Good Jonas said crack on your fill,
For here I may no longer tarry,
Yet knock as long as e'er you will,
And go into a firry farry.
Jonas she says ye do miscarry,
As I have done in former time,
You're no Saint Peter nor Saint Mary,
Thy blot's as black as ever mine,
So Jonas then he was asham'd,
Because he was not flyting free,
Of all his faults she had him blame'd
He left the wife and let her be.
Saint Thomas then I council thee,
Go speak unto yon wicked wife,

She shames us all, and as for me,