Page:Wife of Beith (8).pdf/12

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Yea burried there where, you did die.
Then Aaron said, you whorish wife,
Go get you gone and rap no more;
With idols you have led your life,
Or then you shall repent it sore.
Good Aaron Priest, I know you well,
The golden calf you may remember,
Who made the people plagues to see,
This is of you recorded ever;
Your priesthood now is nothing worth,
Christ is my only priest and he,
My Lord who will not keep me forth,
So I'll get in, in spite of thee
Up started Samson at the length,
Unto the gate apace eamc he,
To drive away the wife with's strength,
But all in vain it would not bc.
Samson, says she, the world may see,
Thou wast a Judge who proved unjust,
Those graeious gifts whieh God gave thee,
Thou lost by lieentious lust.
From Dalila thy wicked wife,
Thy secrets ehief eouldst not refrain,
She daily sought to take thy life,
Thou lost thy locks, and then was slain,
Tho' thou wast strong it was in vain,
Haunting with harlots here and there.

Then Samson turned back again,