Page:Wife of Beith (8).pdf/13

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And with the wife would mell nae mair
Then said king David, knock no more.
We are all troubled with your cry.
David, quoth she, how cam'st thou there,
Thou might'st bide out as well as I:
Thy deeds no ways thou can'st deny,
Is not thy sin far worse than mine,
Who with Uriah's wife did lie,
And caused him to be murdered syne?
Then Jonas said, fair dame content you,
If you intend to come to grace,
You must dree pennance and repent you,
Ere you can come within this place.
Jonas, quoth she, how stands the case?
How came you here to be with Christ?
How dare you look him in the face?
Considering how you broke your tryst?
So Jonas then he was ashamed,
Because he was not flyting free,
Of all his faults she had him blamed,
He left the wife and let her be.
Saint Thomas then, I counsel thee
Go speak unto yon wicked wife,
She shames us all and as for me,
Her like I never heard in life
Thomas, then said, you make such strife,
When you are out, and meikle din,

If ye were here I'll lay my life,