Page:Willie brew'd a peck o' ma't.pdf/2

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Willie brew'd a peck o' ma't.

WILLIE brew'd a peck o' ma't,
An' Rab an' Allan came to prie;
Three blyther lads that lee-lang night,
Ye wadna found in Christendie.
For we are nae fu' we're nae yet fu',
But just a wee drap in our e'e;
The cock may craw, the day may daw'
But still we'll taste the barley bree.

Here are we met, three jolly boys,
Three jolly boys I trow are we;
An' mony a canty night we've seen,
An' mony mae we hope to see.
For we are nae fu', &c.

It is the moon, I ken her horn,
That's blinking in the lift sae hi';
She shines fu' bright, to waul us hame,
But by my sooth she'll wait a wee,
For we are nae fu', &c.