Page:Willie brew'd a peck o' ma't.pdf/3

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Wha first shall rise to gang awa',
A coward, cuckold loon is he:
Wha first beside his chair shall fa',
He is the King amang us three.
For we are nae fu', &c.


This SONG was composed by the Revd.
Mr M‘Leod, when leaving his father's
house for Cambletown.

THE wind is fair, the day is fine,
Swiftly, swiftly runs the time;
The boat is floating on the tide,
That wafts me off from Funery.

Erich agustugun O!
Erich agustugun O!
Erich agustugun O!
My last Farewel to Funery.

O thousand, thousand tender ties
Accept to day my heavy sighs,
My heart within me almost dies
To think of leaving Funery.