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Page:Wisconsin Rapids directory (1921).djvu/29

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WISCONSIN RAPIDS ITUATED on the Wisconsin river, 153 miles northwest of Milwaukee and ? miles southwest of Stevens Point. Wisconsin Rapids is one of the most beautiful, healthful, and desirable cities in the United States. Men of unusual char- acter and business capability have carried to splendid success great industries ?vithin the city and given to the commercial life an impulse that is snappy and prompt in all commercial relationships. The city is as attractive for the homeseeker, as for him who is seeking for business opportunity. The Wisconsin river is the storage basin for a magnificent water power. Wisconsin Rapids schools are unsurpassed, the grades are continually on the advance in equipment and curricula. The high school building is declared by educators to be a model in adaptability. Society is clean and high minded. Churches are well organized and alive to the moral and spiritual needs of the community. Hotel facilities are not surpassed in the state. Transportation facili- ties are abundant. Four great railways open the markets of the world to industrial and agricultural produce. The C. M. & St. P.; C. & N. W.; G. B. & W.; and Soo Line Railways enter the city. Electric railway connection between Port Edwards and Nekoosa with hourly service. Population 8,000. Area ten square miles. County Seat Wood County. Municipally owned electric light plant, water and sewer systems. Seven miles paved streets. Three Banks. Four railroads. One electric line. Metropolis for fifteen outlying towns. Schools--Five graded, High school, Manual Training, Domestic Science, Commercial, County Normal, and County Agricultural schools. Twelve Churches. Fine Lodge Homes. Parks- Nine acres: two miles river bank parks. Municipal outdoor swimming pool and play grounds. Industries- Paper, flour, cement blocks, rotary air com- pressors, sash door, boxes, foundry supplies, refrigerating machines, auto camp stoves, co-operage cheese, pulp, fiber carton, lumber, wagons, dredging machinery, butter, ice cream, and soft drinks.