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(Acts iv. 12); that this salvation was wrought out by the death of Christ on the cross, who made peace through the blood of His cross, blotted out the handwriting that was against us, and took it away, nailing it to the cross (Col. i. 20; ii. 14); that this redeeming sacrifice and death of Our Saviour is continually shown forth and re-enacted in His own very body and blood, made present at the consecration in holy Mass (i Cor. xi. 24; Luke xxii. 19).

"Many things Our Lord intends and wills only conditionally if men co-operate with Him. Thus He does not intend to convert the Chinese, unless missionaries go to China. Prayers are a sort of missionaries. Many souls will be converted if they are well prayed for, and not otherwise. But the most efficacious prayer is that which goes up in closest union with Christ crucified, pleading in sacrifice for us. Christ crucified thus pleads in every Mass. In every Mass, as the Church says, 'the memory of His Passion is celebrated anew.' I can not spend my day in hearing Mass, traveling from altar to altar. It is not God's purpose that I should do that. But the Morning Offering of the Apostleship of Prayer, as sanctioned by the Holy See, puts me in relation with every Mass that is