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said that day, and lays upon every Christian altar my work and my play, my words and thoughts, my pains and sorrows, my delights and joys, and every conscious action of my will — always excepting that which is sinful, and so unacceptable, incapable of entering into holy union with the oblation of the body and blood of my Saviour. When I lie down to rest at night, I may ask myself: ^Of all that I have done to-day, of all my goings and comings, what shall endure to my eternal good? What have I laid up in the form of treasure for heaven? ' And, provided I have spent the day in the state of grace I may answer: ' All and every one of my deliberate acts of will that were right in themselves, and, very signally and specially, all that has received the consecration of my Morning Offering/ Of my strivings after the good things of this life, some will succeed, others will fail: but alike in success and failure, practising the Apostleship of Prayer, I may take to myself the Apostle's consoling words: 'Be ye steadfast and immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not vain in the Lord'" (i Cor. XV. 58).