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When did you make your last confession?

Did you take sufficient pains to awaken contrition?

Did you omit to confess a mortal sin, either intentionally or through forgetfulness?

Did you intentionally neglect to say the penance which was imposed on you, or were you so careless as to forget it?

Have you carried out the resolutions you made at your last confession or have you paid no heed at all to them?

Examination on the Ten Commandments of God

I. HAVE you doubted in matters of faith? Murmured against God at your adversity or at the prosperity of others? Despaired of His mercy?

Have you believed in fortune-tellers or consulted them?

Have you gone to places of worship belonging to other denominations?

Have you recommended yourself daily to God? Neglected your morning or night prayers? Omitted religious duties or practices through motives of human respect?

Have you rashly presumed upon God's forbearance in order to commit sin?

Have you read books, papers, and periodicals of anti-Catholic or atheistic tendency? Made use of superstitious practices? Spoken with levity or irreverence of priests, Religious, or sacred objects?