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II. Have you taken the name of God in vain? Profaned anything relating to religion?

Have you sworn falsely, rashly, or in slight and trivial matters? Cursed yourself or others, or any creature? Angered others so as to make them swear, or blaspheme God?

III. Have you kept holy the Lord's Day, and all other days commanded to be kept holy? Bought or sold things, not of necessity, on that day? Done or commanded some servile work not of necessity? Missed Mass or been wilfully distracted during Mass? Talked, gazed, or laughed in the church? Profaned the day by dancing, drinking, gambling, or in other ways?

IV. Have you honored your parental superiors, and masters, according to your just duty? Deceived them? Disobeyed them?

Have you failed in due reverence to aged persons?

V. Have you procured, desired, or hastened the death of any one? Borne hatred? Oppressed any one? Desired revenge? Not forgiven injuries? Refused to speak to others? Used provoking language? Injured others? Caused enmity between others?

VI and IX. Have you been guilty of any sin against holy purity in thought, word, or deed?

VII. Have you been guilty of stealing, or of deceit in buying, or selling, in regard to wares, prices, weights, or measures? Have you wilfully damaged another man's goods, or negligently spoiled them?

VIII. Have you borne false witness? Called injurious names? Disclosed another's sins? Flattered others? Judged rashly?

X. Have you coveted unjustly anything that belongs to another?