Propositions — continued
- cannot contradict other elementary propositions, 4.211
- composition of, cannot be given, 5.55 (2)
- concept of, 5.555 (1)
- consist of names, 4.22, 5.55 (2)
- contain all logical operations, 5.47 (2)
- forms of, no hierarchy of, 5.556
- if given, all are given, 5.524 (2)
- importance of, for understanding other propositions, 4.411
- how symbolized, 4.24 (2, 3)
- logically independent, 5.134
- possible forms of, 5.55
- purely logical grounds for there being, 5.5562
- range allowed by, 5.5262 (1)
- relation of truth possibilities of, to other propositions, 4.4
- relation to atomic facts, 4.21, 4.25
- relation to tautology and contradiction, 6.3751(3)
- essential features of, 3.34
expression of thoughts in, 3.2
- follow from elementary propositions, 4.52
- general form of, 5.47 (5)
- have elementary propositions as truth-arguments, 5.01
- have sense independent of facts, 4.061
- have truth-value because pictures of reality, 4.06
- how understood, 4.024
- in them names stand for objects, 3.22
- logical (See Logical propositions)
- logical form of, 4.0031
- most general form of, 4.5, 6
- need only 'yes' or 'no' to fix reality, 4.023 (1)
- neither probable nor improbable in themselves, 5.153
- number of possibilities of agreement with truth-possibilities of elementary propositions, 4.42, 4.45 (1)
- opposition of, 5.513 (2)
- present existence and non-existence of atomic facts, 4.1
- presuppositions of, 5.5151 (3)
"primitive", 5.43 (1) probability, have no special object, 5.1511
- psychological, 5.541, 5.542
- reach through whole logical space, 3.42 (3)
- relation of, to propositional sign, 3.12
- resemble arrows, 3.144 (2)
- say how, not what a thing is, 3.221
- sense of, unchanged by adjoining tautology, 4.465
- show their sense, 4.022
- show what they say, 4.461 (1)
- significant
- are thoughts, 4
- content of, 3.13 (4, 5)
- what is common to, illustrated, 5.513 (1)
- what they say, 4.022 (2)
- what logical space given with, 3.42 (1)
- and logical form, 3.315
- and symbolism for generality, 5.522
- and variable, 3.315
- examples of, 3.333 (1), 5.5351 (1)
- in notation for generality, 3.24 (3), 5.522