Pseudo-concept, 4.1272 (1)
- proposition and thing as, 5.5351 (1)
Pseudo-propositions, 5.535 (1)
- arising from use of pseudo-concepts, 4.1272 (4)
- mathematical propositions are, 6.2 (2)
Psychology, and philosophy, 4.1121
Range, defined, 4.463
- as existence of atomic facts, 2.06 (1)
- completely described by proposition, 4.023 (2)
- described by internal properties of proposition, 4.023 (4)
- empirical, bounded by totality of objects, 5.5561 (1)
- form of, 2.18
- how linked to pictures, 2.1511-2.15121
- logical features of, 4.023 (5)
- not pictured by tautology or contradiction, 4.462
- pictures are models of, 2.12
- pictures compared with, 2.21, 2.223
- proposition as picture of, 4.01 (1), 4.021
- propositions are compared with, 4.05
- total, is the world, 2.063
Representation, logic of, 4.015 (See also Form of representation)
Representing relation, belongs to the picture, 2.1513
Right and left hand, Kantian problem of, 6.361 11
Rules, as equivalent to symbols, 5.514
Russell, 3.318, 3.325, 3.331, 3.333, 4.0031, 4.12721, 4.1272 (8), 4.1273, 4.241 (3), 5.02 (2), 5.132 (4), 5.252, 5.4, 5.42, 5.-452 (2), 5.513 (3), 5.521, 5.525. 5.5302, 5.535, 5.541 (4), 5.5422, 5.553 (1), 6.123 (2), 6.1232
Russell's paradox, 3.333 (4)
- by propositions, 4.022 (2)
- impossibility of, what we cannot think, 5.61 (4)
Scaffolding, logical, 3.42 (3), 4.023 (5), 6.124
Scepticism, 6.51 (1)
Self-evidence (See also Obviousness)
- how discarded in logic, 5.4731
- not a criterion of logical propositions, 6. 1 271
- of mathematical propositions, 6.2341
- and deducibility, 5.122
- cannot be supplied by assertion, 4.064
- characterized by expressions, 3.31 (1)
- connexion with method of projection, 3. 11 (2)
- equated with representation of state of affairs, 4.031 (2)
- expressible only by facts, 3.142
- new, how communicated, 403 (1)
- objects occurring in, 4.1211 (1)
- of propositional sign, needs no explanation, 4.02, 4.021
- of propositions
- and possibilities of existence of atomic facts, 4.2
- contained in sense of other propositions, 5.122
- expressed by spatial position, 3.1431 (2)
- form only of, contained in proposition, 3.13 (4)