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Gen. 2. BOTHROPOLYS, Wood.[1]

Ocelli numerosi. Coxarum excavationes, parvæ, fere rotundse punctiformesque, in seriebus 3—4 dispositæ. (Fig. 7.)

Eyes numerous. Excavations on the coxa small, almost round and puoctiform, arranged in three or four series.

B. multidentatus.

B. brunneus; segmento cephalico postice margine elevato; antennis elongatis, sparse pilosis; articulis basalibus 4 longitudine fere æqualibus; laminis dentalibus distinctis, margine antico subrotundato, angulis anticis externis subproductis; denticulis 12—19; ocellis utrinque 32—37; scutorum anticorum marginibus et posticis et lateralibus elevatis sed scutorum posticorum lateralibus solum.

Fig. 7
Brown; cephalic segment with its posterior margin elevated; antenna elongate, sparsely pilose; 4 basal joints about equal in length; dental lamina distinct, their anterior margin somewhat rounded, anterior external angle somewhat produced; denticules 12—19; ocelli on each side 32—37; both posterior and lateral margins of the anterior scuta elevated, of the posterior only the lateral.

L. multidentatus, Newport, Linn. Trans, xix, p. 365; Catal. Brit. Mus. (Myriapoda), p. 17.

"" P. Gervais, Apteres, iv, p. 236; et Tabl. des Myriap. (Exp. dans L'Amerique du Sud, part. Sept.), p. 29.
B. nobilis, Wood, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. v, new series, 1868, p. 15.

The alternate small scuta are frequently almost concealed by the larger ones. The surface of the scuta is wrinkled. The posterior angles of the larger scuta are very elongate. The labial teeth are large and acute, rarely coadnate. Length 1 inch.

Hab. Eastern United States.

B. xanti.

B. brunneus, segmento cephalico polito, aurantiaco, margine postico elevato; antennis pilosis; ocellis utrinque 18; laminis dentalibus margine antico rotundato; denticulis 16—18, nigris, acutis; scutis valde asperatis, alternis majoribus postice valde emarginatis, alternis minoribus margine postico fere recto sed angulis posticis acutis et valde productis.

Brown; cephalic segment polished, orange, its posterior margin elevated; antenna pilose; eyes on each side 18; dental lamina with their anterior margin rounded; denticules 16—18, black, acute; scuta very much roughened, the alternate larger ones posteriorly strongly emarginate, the alternate smaller ones with their posterior margin almost straight, but the posterior angles acute and very much produced.

B. xanti, Wood, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., new series, vol. v, 1863, p. 15.

  1. Journ. A. N. S., new series, vol. v, 1863, p. 15. βοδρος, fovea; πολυς, multus.