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Page:Wood 1865 - The Myriapoda of North America.djvu/16

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L. paucidens.

L. ferrugineus; pedibus flavis; segmento-cephalico polito, postice margine elevato; antennis elongatis, pilosis: laminis dentalibus indistinctis, singula denticulis duobus valde sejunctis armata; ocellorum paribus 17; scutis alternis majoribus politis, vix asperatis, margine postico fere recto; scutis alternis minoribus margine postico recto et angulis externis productis; coxarum excavationibus parvis, vix ovatis.

Ferruginous; feet yellow; cephalic segment polished, with its posterior margin elevated; antenna elongate, pilose; dental lamina indistinct, each armed with two widely separated denticules; pairs of ocelli 17; alternate larger scuta polished, scarcely roughened, with their posterior margins almost straight; alternate minor scuta, with their posterior margins straight and their external angles produced; excavations on the coxa small, scarcely oval.

L. paucidens, Wood, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., new series, vol. v, 1863, p. 14.

The color of the only adult specimen that I have seen approaches an orange. The mandibles are rather large. The dental lamina are almost wanting, their margins somewhat rounded and armed with two acute widely separated teeth. The color of the three or four posterior sterna is darker than that of the rest of the body. The excavations of the posterior coxæ are small, few, and nearly round. The feet are yellowish, hairy, and with well-developed articular spines. Length 1 inch.

Hab. Fort Tejon, Cal.—J. Xantus de Vesey.—Smithsonian Collection.

L. planus.

"L. ferrugineo-variegatus; capite magno subquadrato polito postice ad marginem elevato incrassato; antennis brevibus pubescentibus; ocellis utrinque 23; labio polito, pilis raris; laminis dentalibus lunatis angulis externis antice elongatis profunde emarginatis; denticulis 14 acutis, nigris; scutis dorsalibus complanatis rugosis marginis elevatis; pedibus nudis spinis articularibus parvis." Species mihi ignota.

Variegated with ferruginous; head large, subquadrate, polished, elevated, and thickened at its posterior margin; antennæ short, pubescent; ocelli on each side 23; labium polished, with scattered hairs; dental lamina lunate, anterior external angles elongate, profoundly emarginate; denticules 14 acute, black; dorsal scuta complanate rugose, their margins elevated; feet bare, with small articular spines. Species unknown to me.

L. planus, Newport, Linn. Trans, xix, p. 366; Catalogue of British Museum (Myriapoda), p. 18.
""P. Gervais, Apt. iv, p. 236; et Tabl. des Myriap. (Exp. Amer. du Sud, part. Sept.), p. 29.
""Wood, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., new series, 1863, p. 14.

This species may belong in the genus Bothropolys, but, as I have never recognized it, I cannot say.